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- ; Innovative fxPAINT CD Enhancement Kit II
- ; (C) 1999-2000 by Felix Schwarz/Innovative
- ; $VER: 1.0
- (if (= @language "deutsch")
- (
- ; ----------------------------
- ; Let`s use German as language
- ; ----------------------------
- (set #welcome "\n\n\n\n\nfxPAINT 1.0\nEnhancement Kit 2\n\n©1998-2000 by Felix Schwarz/Innovative")
- (set #endfx "\n\n\n\n\nBitte beenden Sie fxPAINT, wenn es gerade läuft, da das Update sonst nicht installiert werden kann!")
- (set #askinstall "Wo ist fxPAINT 1.0 auf Ihrer Festplatte installiert ? (Wo ist die Programmdatei ?)")
- (set #cputxt "Welchen 68K-Prozessor haben Sie in Ihrem AMIGA ?")
- (set #cpuhelp "Wenn Sie sich unsicher sind, wählen Sie 68000. Diese Version arbeitet mit allen Systemen.")
- (set #copylibs "Überprüfe und kopiere benötigte Libraries..")
- (set #copyfxpaint "Kopiere fxPAINT-Dateien..")
- (set #updatebins "Bringe Dateien auf den neuesten Stand ..")
- (set #newdocu "Docu/German")
- (set #byebye "Der fxPAINT Enhancment Kit 2 ist nun installiert. Führen Sie einen Neustart aus, bevor Sie fxPAINT starten.")
- )
- (
- ; -----------------------------
- ; Let`s use English as language
- ; -----------------------------
- (set #welcome "\n\n\n\n\nfxPAINT 1.0\nEnhancement Kit 2\n\n©1998-2000 by Felix Schwarz/Innovative")
- (set #endfx "\n\n\n\n\nPlease quit fxPAINT, if it is currently running as otherwhise the EK 2 can't be installed!")
- (set #askinstall "Where is fxPAINT 1.0 installed ? (Where is the programfile ?)")
- (set #cputxt "Which 68K-CPU do you have installed in your AMIGA ?")
- (set #cpuhelp "If you`re not sure, which CPU is installed in your AMIGA, choose the 68000. This version works on all systems.")
- (set #copylibs "Checking and installing required libraries..")
- (set #copyfxpaint "Copying fxPAINT-files..")
- (set #updatebins "Bringe Dateien auf den neuesten Stand ..")
- (set #newdocu "Docu/English")
- (set #byebye "The fxPAINT Enhancment Kit 2 is now installed. Please restart your machine before starting fxPAINT")
- )
- )
- ; --------------------------------------
- ; Ok, let`s begin with a small greeting!
- ; --------------------------------------
- (message #welcome)
- (message #endfx)
- (procedure PLUGIN_PATCH file dir
- (
- (set #pluginname
- (tackon dir (cat "Plugins/" file ".plugin"))
- )
- (set #exe (cat "iPATCH fxPAINTCD:InstallData/fxPAINTData/fxPAINT/Plugins/" file ".plugin Patchfiles/" file ".pch " #pluginname))
- (run #exe)
- )
- )
- (welcome)
- ; -------------------------------------
- ; Set destination-directory for fxPAINT
- ; -------------------------------------
- (set #installdir
- (askdir
- (prompt #askinstall)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "fxPAINT:")
- )
- )
- ; ------------------------------
- ; Set CPU installed in the AMIGA
- ; ------------------------------
- (set #cpu 1)
- (set #cpu2 (database "fpu"))
- (if (= #cpu2 "NOFPU") (set #cpu 0))
- (set #cpuvers (askchoice (choices "68000/010 (o. 020/030/040/060 non FPU)" "68020/030/040/060 + FPU")
- (prompt #cputxt)
- (help #cpuhelp)
- (default #cpu)
- )
- )
- (set #thewholename
- (tackon #installdir "fxPAINT")
- )
- (set #thewholeppcone
- (tackon #installdir "PPC/fxPAINTWOS")
- )
- (set #thewholeppctwo
- (tackon #installdir "PPC/fxPAINTPPC.elf")
- )
- (if (= #cpuvers 0)
- (set #cpuexe (cat "iPATCH fxPAINTCD:InstallData/CPU/680x0/fxPAINT Patchfiles/fxPAINT000.pch " #thewholename))
- )
- (if (= #cpuvers 1)
- (set #cpuexe (cat "iPATCH fxPAINTCD:InstallData/CPU/68020/fxPAINT Patchfiles/fxPAINT020.pch " #thewholename))
- )
- (set #ppcexeone (cat "iPATCH fxPAINTCD:InstallData/fxPAINTData/fxPAINT/PPC/fxPAINTWOS Patchfiles/fxPAINTWOS.pch " #thewholeppcone))
- (set #ppcexetwo (cat "iPATCH fxPAINTCD:InstallData/fxPAINTData/fxPAINT/PPC/fxPAINTPPC.elf Patchfiles/fxPAINTPPC.pch " #thewholeppctwo))
- (working #updatebins)
- (run #cpuexe)
- (run #ppcexeone)
- (run #ppcexetwo)
- (PLUGIN_PATCH "datatypes" #installdir)
- (PLUGIN_PATCH "documentation" #installdir)
- (PLUGIN_PATCH "ics" #installdir)
- (PLUGIN_PATCH "newos_icon" #installdir)
- (PLUGIN_PATCH "newos_wb" #installdir)
- (PLUGIN_PATCH "pcd" #installdir)
- (PLUGIN_PATCH "philth" #installdir)
- (PLUGIN_PATCH "pyro" #installdir)
- (PLUGIN_PATCH "render" #installdir)
- ; ---------------------------------
- ; Copy fxWARP.library and new files
- ; ---------------------------------
- (copyfiles
- (source "fxPAINT/Libs")
- (dest "LIBS:")
- (pattern "#?WARP#?")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "fxPAINT")
- (dest #installdir)
- (pattern "#?")
- )
- ; -------------------------
- ; Delete tipoftheday.plugin
- ; -------------------------
- (set #thewholeplugin
- (tackon #installdir "Plugins/tipoftheday.plugin")
- )
- (delete #thewholeplugin)
- ; -------------------------
- ; Update the documentation
- ; -------------------------
- (set #docdest
- (tackon #installdir "Doc")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source #newdocu)
- (dest #docdest)
- (pattern "#?")
- )
- ; -------------------------
- ; Say Bye-Bye and Thank-You
- ; -------------------------
- (message #byebye)